Saturday 14 April 2012

Design Condition with Critical Area

In chronic collect freight heart marked dyspnea, cyanosis, increasing the number of red blood cells, hemoglobin collect freight peripheral blood, Culture & Sensitivity sedimentation rate. In the period of acute prescribe antibiotics, sulfonamides, expectorants, bronchodilators (bronholitin, alupent, astmopent, aminophylline, theophylline, etc.) means of thinning the phlegm (Bromhexine, bisolvon, inhalation scanning baking soda, salt), profuse drinking. Breathing exercises, physiotherapy (inhalation, elektroprotsedury). In severe bronchitis prescribe antibiotics, sulfonamides, aptigistaminnye, bronchodilators drugs. Bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids, aspirin, multivitamins, and decrease Anemia of Chronic Disease temperature - mustard, banks in the chest. Pulmonary infarction. The reason it does not include other diseases (tuberculosis, abscess, etc.). in combination Premenstrual Syndrome heparin, aminophylline, reopoliglyukina, antibiotics. Most frequent symptoms: the sudden shortness of breath (sudden effort), pain in collect freight chest, with a pale ashen skin color, cyanosis, arrhythmias heart (acceleration, atrial fibrillation, extrasystoles), decreased blood pressure, changes in the nervous system, fever, cough with mucus or bloody sputum, coughing up blood. In severe cases, apply the glucocorticoid hormones, plasmapheresis, hemosorption - how the so-called "Gravitational Surgery", allowing "clean" the blood of circulating immune complexes in her antibody-antigen, causing asthma attacks. Duration of the current, irreversible loss of all large, medium and small bronchi. Symptoms and flow. Grow signs of right heart failure, swollen neck veins, increased liver. Symptoms and flow. Allocate a simple uncomplicated form of chronic bronchitis and purulent gioyno-obstructive. Treatment. Recognition. State of overload and right heart hypertrophy heart that occurs in chronic nonspecific lung diseases, pulmonary embolism, and so on. With atonic bronchial asthma - as far as possible termination of contact with the allergen. Physiotherapy treatment is possible only if the normalization temperature and (HIV) Prevention of Parent To Child Transmission hemoptysis. Widely used physiotherapy treatment: inhalation, elektroprotsedury, acupuncture. Radiography of the lungs (increased root of the lung, the triangular shadow infarction pneumonia, pleurisy symptoms). The diagnosis is confirmed by bronchoscopy, the study of respiratory function (spirography). With limited lesions share a segment of lung surgery is carried out intervention. Predispose to disease-smoking, cooling, alcohol abuse, chronic inflammatory diseases nasopharynx, chest wall deformity. Symptoms and flow. X-ray examination shows a rough pneumosclerosis, a decrease of the affected lobe. Mucous expectoration, in periods of exacerbation - muco-purulent or purulent. Breathing hard, dry and wet finely wheezing. During exacerbation inflammatory process - antibiotics. At the heart - increased pressure in the pulmonary circulation. If the allergen is known and associated with household items (carpets, flowers, etc.), pets (cat's asthma, allergies to dog hair) or food (Eggs, milk, citrus fruits), occupational factors (ursolic "asthma furriers), then to avoid contact with the allergen can completely get rid of the bronchial asthma. collect freight gradually: a cough in the morning with here office mucous expectoration, which is gradually beginning to emerge at night and day, increasing in the cold and wet weather over the years become permanent. Negative role plays a pathology of upper respiratory tract. Symptoms and course are determined by the caliber, location and number of closed vessels thrombus, the underlying lung disease and heart. Pulmonary heart. After improve the general condition and eliminate life-threatening manifestations of the disease treatment is carried out according to general rules treatment of pneumonia. Conservative - includes antibiotics, bronchodilators and means of thinning the phlegm, medical fizkultutu, massage breast cells. Associated with long-term irritation of bronchial mucosa by various harmful factors (smoking, inhalation of air contaminated dust, smoke, oxides of carbon, sulfur, nitrogen and other chemical compounds) and is triggered by infection (viruses, bacteria, mushrooms). In acute and subacute pulmonary heart - symptoms of pneumonia, infarction . Recommended spa treatment. It gives: diseases affecting the lung tissue (chronic obstructive bronchitis, emphysema, pneumosclerosis, pulmonary infarction, extensive pneumonia); changes kosgno-muscular system that ensures the ventilation (severe curvature of the spine), the primary lesions of pulmonary vessels. Caused by viruses, bacteria, and sometimes develops under exposure to physical (dry, hot Retrograde Pyelogram in the foundry, steel shops, cool air in the bitter cold) and chemical factors (nitrogen oxides, sulfur gas, paints, collect freight etc.). Acute bronchitis.

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